Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A good day to re-enlist

Today dawned hot and humid, but that didn't matter. Today my marine re-enlisted! I love you and am so proud of you!

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the Presidant of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,

according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Ian

So my only puppy dog tail turned 9 on the 14 of June (ok, I am a few days late). I found myself that day watching the clock and thinking about the day that he was born. Do all moms do this? With time some of the details have become fuzzy, but some are still so fresh and new that it was like it happened yesterday.

I remember going to the hospital the night before he was born. Contractions were not strong, but were regular. However, the doctors had told me to not mess around since this was baby number 3 and my last labor only took three and half hours. I also had the pleasure of being dilated to a 3 and almost completely effaced without any help of contractions. So, needless to say, I was scared of having a baby in the car.

The hospital would not let me go home once the contractions stopped (I guess they too were afraid of him being born in the car) and I had to spend the night listening to my then husband snore and praying to God for the contractions to start. They never did.

The doc showed up oh so early the next morning (9am) and broke my water. Contractions started quickly there after with unbelievable pain. Thank God for the creation of morphine shots in the spine.

Three and half hours later, I was the proud mommy of her first and only son. It took me a moment to understand that God wanted me to have a boy (I really wanted a house full of girls. I know, I was totally crazy) and ever since that moment he has been the apple of my eye.

We named him Ian Braham T. I didn't realize then how special his name would really come to mean. Ian means beloved and it is the truth about him. He is loved by everyone. Those who have the joy of knowing him know that laughter and silliness are who he is. His sense of humor is very refreshing and his giggles contagious. His middle name, Braham, is my mothers maiden name. My grandfather, an only boy himself, is a serious, but deeply loving man. I see this in Ian now, unknown then how much he would reflect this.

Nine years have past and everyday I am so blessed to have had God gift me this child.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Hughes Family

It seems that there is never enough time. I am struck by the reality of the military life and how it changes you so completely.. You enter a world of unknowns and learned flexibility. You may get orders before you finish your original orders. Leaving is a quality all military men and women and families know well. As I write, I think about all those families that are moving on and going where God's wants them next... However, it is one family that has touched us so completely, that I will never be the same!

The Hughes Family

Even though you are family, it is still hard to see you go. You are the reason we have a church and Shawn found salvation. You are the place where Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter always takes place (unless we are geo caching). You are the ones who take us to the beach when it is raining and managed to get stranded while on your second honeymoon! You are the place where a house became a home!

David, you are the brother Shawn never had.

Leta, you are the sister I never got!

Em, Cole and Becca, you are the kids that helped me miss mine just a little bit less.

We thank God for you every day!! We love you!